
FarmVille2: Plant the succulent Purslane! (Market LE Items)


Grow Purslane, check out Istrian Mini Donkey, Kaffir Plum Trees and more!

Release Date: 15/01/2018


Cedar Wattle Basket
Heirloom Cedar Wattle Basket

Cedar Wattle Centerpiece
Heirloom Cedar Wattle Centerpiece

Cabreuva Aromatic Oil
Heirloom Cabreuva Aromatic Oil

Cabreuva Citrus Perfume
Heirloom Cabreuva Citrus Perfume

Kaffir Plum Fizz
Heirloom Kaffir Plum Fizz

Kaffir Plum Cake
Heirloom Kaffir Plum Cake

Purslane Salad

Purslane Mayonnaise


Baby Istrian Mini Donkey
Adult Istrian Mini Donkey
Prized Istrian Mini Donkey

Baby Valgerola Mini Goat
Adult Valgerola Mini Goat
Prized Valgerola Mini Goat

Baby Algerian Hedgehog
Adult Algerian Hedgehog
Prized Algerian Hedgehog

Baby Magpie Guinea Pig

Adult Magpie Guinea Pig
Prized Magpie Guinea Pig


Kaffir Plum
Heirloom Kaffir Plum
Elder Kaffir Plum
Kaffir Plum Fruit
Heirloom Kaffir Plum Fruit

Cedar Wattle
Heirloom Cedar Wattle
Elder Cedar Wattle
Cedar Wattle Fruit
Heirloom Cedar Wattle Fruit

Cabreuva Bark
Heirloom Cabreuva Bark
Elder Cabreuva Bark
Cabreuva Bark Fruit
Heirloom Cabreuva Bark Fruit


Prized Purslane


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