
Make Way For The Queen!

Make Way For The Queen - FarmVille 2
People are really full of surprises! Take Barbara, for instance… Did you know that she was once crowned the Corn Queen? Oh how fond she is of this memory that she can still remember the dance they had in the Corn Queen’s Court!
Wouldn’t it be great if we can bring back this event in our county? Barbara can organize the preparations and we can all pitch in to help. For your efforts, you’ll get FarmVille’s first ever Hedgehog - a baby Amur Hedgehog!
If you are level 15 or higher, the "Make Way For The Queen!" popup will appear. Click on the "Start Building" button to begin this feature.
You can start building the court by collecting all the materials you need.

Then, ask your friends for help or hire builders.

The building is automatically placed outside your farm near the foraging area and when it’s finished it’ll look like this:

Click on the building to view the preparations you need to do for the Corn Queen’s Court. There are 4 Quests for each week that must be completed.

As you complete the quests, a Check Mark will show your progress.

When you've completed all four Quests from Week 1, you can redeem the 2 Corn Queen Gates as your reward.

Want more rewards for Week 1? Then complete the bonus Quest!

There is another treat that awaits you when you’ve completed the quests for each week. You’ll be able to watch the preparations being made for the event.

After completing the quests for Week 1, you just need to wait for the next set of Quests that will be unlocked in the coming weeks.
This is one event you shouldn’t miss, so start completing quests and get that rare baby Amur Hedgehog!

 Don't forget to share the post with your friends to help the other farmers too!

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