
The FarmVille Library!


Children in America and Canada thank you for your first contribution! Purchase more to help more! Collect books and help the community reach its goals to unlock rewards for all of FarmVille!

Buy goodie packs to help provide books to children in need!  Ask your friends to fill your school bag to contribute more books! Contribute books and help Percy stock the FarmVille library!

School Bag

School Bag
School Bag

Six Hour Water Certificate
Speed-Grow Machine

Folding Paper
Paper Stapler
Pen Nib

Baby Dark Belgian Warmblood Horse
Adult Dark Belgian Warmblood Horse
Prized Dark Belgian Warmblood Horse

Baby Spotted Nguni Cow
Adult Spotted Nguni Cow
Prized Spotted Nguni Cow

Bountiful Tree
Book Seat

Bronze Medallion
Silver Medallion
Gold Medallion


 Don't forget to share the post with your friends to help the other farmers too!

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