
Go Cave Exploring With My Family Farm!


My Family Farm comes to FarmVille 2 on 6/26! In the upcoming addition, you'll have family that can explore an all new area: the cave. Alex, My Family Farm’s Senior Producer, took a few minutes to explain some of the ideas behind the cave's development.

Designing the Cave
“From early on in the development of the Family Farm concept, we decided that we wanted to have new areas for your family members to explore and find valuable and rare items to craft with. And when you think valuable and rare, probably one of the first thing you think of is precious metals, which is how we arrived at the idea of doing a cave that you could explore. 
Early sketches of a cave focused on creating something that looked mysterious but not too scary, natural, and didn't take up a lot of space on the board (as we know space is at a premium for so many players).”

“Concept #1 below, with grass growing over the cave entrance, won over the other approaches.”
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“After a direction was agreed upon, we decided to tackle a location for the new area. The concept was actually pasted over a screen shot of a real farm to make sure it fit with the rest of the game and that it fit well.” 

"The concept was actually pasted over a screen shot of a real farm."
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 “With the look and location picked out, the concept group began to finalize the look of the exploration cave, arriving at this color concept. Right away in the color version the team realized that the natural looking cave we had hoped to get was looking a little too man-made. The rock walls looked too much like stones, making the cave look more like the entrance to an ancient ruin than a natural cave you would explore to find precious metals.”

"The cave was looking too man-made."
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“So we literally went back to the drawing board and took another pass on the cave to make it look more natural, and they succeeded with the color sketch below.”

“Put on your helmet, turn on your light, and get ready for some Cave Exploration!”
Conc 2 Img 4We hope you enjoyed this insight into My Family Farm. Everyone will be able to see these features for themselves on 6/26 (Early Access on 6/19). RSVP to learn more.

 Don't forget to share the post with your friends to help the other farmers too!

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1 commenti:

  1. How do I get this in my farmville 2?I also want the other side of the river to play
