
"Turtley Eggciting! Week 3" Quest Preview!


During the Next Week will come a New Building: "The Turtle Hatchery" and it will bring 4 weeks of new Quests!

Loot at the 3rd Week!

Release Date: 26/05/2015


You can't be too careful with babies, animals or otherwise! Moving them is scary.
Quest Tasks:
Perform 30 Helpful Actions On Neighbors' Farms.
Click a friend in the Neighbor Bar to visit their Farm.
Tend your Chicken Coop 2 times.
If you don't have one already, buy it in the General Store or check your Inventory.
Make 5 Rope Basket to carry eggs and turtles.
Craft this in your Crafting Workshop.

Hide and Peek

Turtles are good hiders! They like going into cozy nooks once in a while.
Quest Tasks:
Collect 5 Turtle Aquarium.
Ask your friends to send one.
Harvest 5 Rubber Tree.
Buy this tree in the General Store.
Make 6 Raw Clay Pot for turtles to hide in.
Craft this in your Crafting Kiln.

Baby Got Backpack

I was thinking, we need to get all the kids around excited about turtles. What do you say?
Quest Tasks:
Earn Snail Walls from the Snail Garden. (not in the game for now)
If you don't have one, check your inventory.
Make 6 Turtle Backpack.
Craft this in your Crafting Workshop.
Make 3 Rubber Glove.
Craft this in your Crafting Workshop.

Going Nuts For Snacks

The kids like learning about turtles, but they're going to get hungry. Let's get some treats ready!
Quest Tasks:
Tend your Sheep Shack 2 times.
If you don't have one already, buy it in the General Store or check your Inventory.
Harvest 5 Heirloom Pecan Tree.
Buy this tree in the General Store.
Make 4 Turtle Cookies. The kidswill love this!
Craft this in your Crafting Kitchen.

3rd Week Bonus Quest: "Pier Pressure 3/4"

Live for the Presents

Cornelius was saying that turtle-themed treats are big right now. Can you help him stock up on some?
Quest Tasks:
Make 20 Turtle Backpack.
You can craft this in the Workshop.
Make 15 Slow Drip Irrigator.
Craft this in your Crafting Workshop.
Complete 10 Order for Cornelius!
Find orders at your market stand.

 Don't forget to share the post with your friends to help the other farmers too!

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