
"Tennis N' Tea" Quest Preview!


{user}, don't you think this place could use a little "glamour?" I got a goat!
 Hardly my idea of glamour! I'm looking for a co-sponsor for a ladies tennis tournament and high tea!
Who? Me???
 But of course You, my dear! We need to crochet tennis nets, sew tennis outfits, and serve refreshments for spectators. It will be spectacular!
 Here we go!

Stands for the Fans

The new tennis venue will have best-in-class all metal bleachers. You know what those are made from!
Quest Tasks:
Fertilize 42 Pink Rose for decorations.
Feed adult animals to get lots of fertilizer fast!
Gather 40 Water.
Gather water from your wells or water towers!
Feed 6 Adult Horse for horseshoes.
Adult animals are not yet Prized.

Net Profit

We'll need to make enough nets and bleachers for a tournament! Sell your extras for a handsome profit!
Quest Tasks:
Collect 5 Tennis Ball for the courts.
Ask your friends to send one.
Gather 5 Rope to make nets.
Feed adult donkeys to get more rope!
Make 4 Metal Sheet for the bleachers.
Craft this in your Crafting Workshop.

Tourney Tea Time

This is a private little luncheon for the tennis players before their big tournament. Let's make it delicious!
Quest Tasks:
Make 2 Pink Rose Water for drinks.
Craft this in your Crafting Kitchen.
Make 2 Green Beans and Pecans.
Craft this in your Crafting Kitchen.
Make 2 refreshing Green Tea Cake.
Craft this in your Crafting Kitchen.

Ration the Fashion

Please help our fashion-challenged tennis players with a touch of glamour.
Quest Tasks:
Collect 5 Visor.
Ask your friends to send one.
Make 10 Pink Rose Headband.
Craft this in your Crafting Workshop.
Make 4 Pink Rose Hair Pin.
Craft this in your Crafting Workshop.

Tea Spree

Now for the highlight of our little tennis tournament. The high tea break of course!
Quest Tasks:
Make 8 Turkish Tea.
Craft this in your Crafting Kitchen.
Make 3 Teapot for the tea party.
Craft this in your Crafting Kiln.
Make 2 Floral Teacup to drink out of.
Craft this in your Crafting Kiln.

Field of Dreams

If your family wants to excel in tennis, they will need to be in tip top shape! Time for some exercise!
Quest Tasks:
Complete 2 Forage Jobs with a family member.
Make sure to make meals for your family!
Complete 2 Animal Care Jobs with a family member.
Make sure to make meals for your family!
Complete 2 Tree Pruning Jobs with a family member.
Make sure to make meals for your family!

No Blood on My Courts Please

Farmers can hoe and milk all day, but skin their knees with a little tennis? Make sure the courts stay clean!
Quest Tasks:
Collect 5 Bandage for scraped knees.
Ask your friends to send one.
Make 6 Tea Towel to wipe up with.
Craft this in your Crafting Workshop.
Perform 40 helpful actions on Neighbor farms and ask for help.
Click a friend in the Neighbor Bar to visit their Farm.

Donuts Gone Wild

The crowds are getting restless. Tea alone won't cut it! They needs carbs and sugar on the double!
Quest Tasks:
Harvest 80 Tea Plant.
Use Fields to get more crops out of less space and water!
Make 3 Heirloom Maple Donut to soothe the savage crowds.
Craft this in your Crafting Kitchen.
Make 4 Heirloom Maple Candy for sweet tooths.
Craft this in your Crafting Kitchen.

Those are for Winners

Let's lay out some refreshments and assemble the prizes for the winners of our tennis tournament!
Quest Tasks:
Make 4 Moroccan Mint Tea.
Craft this in your Crafting Kitchen.
Make 8 Pink Rose Bouquet for the runners-up.
Craft this in your Crafting Workshop.
Make 3 Jeweled Egg for the winners!
Craft this in your Crafting Kiln.

Après Tennis Cool down

You are making some gifts for me? What a surprise! May I watch you make them?
Quest Tasks:
Make 5 Pink Rose Cake.
Craft this in your Crafting Kitchen.
Make 6 Green Tea Ice Cream.
Craft this in your Crafting Kitchen.
Make 4 Tea Dyed Tea Towel.
Craft this in your Crafting Workshop.

 Don't forget to share the post with your friends to help the other farmers too!

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