
Ghost in the Attic!


I'm so glad to see you! I was feeling a bit glum so I wanted to spend some time with you.
 Well, I had a fight with Dennis. We both used to share a skateboard and umm, I ended up breaking it.
 I don't know what to do. He found out before I could tell him about it and now won't give me a chance to explain myself.

Skateboard Parts
Cartoon Sticker

Light Bulb

Bandage Adhesive
Walking Stick

Baby Painted Shetland Mini Horse
Adult Painted Shetland Mini Horse
Prized Painted Shetland Mini Horse

Baby Tunis Sheep

Adult Tunis Sheep
Prized Tunis Sheep

Baby Grey Provence Donkey
Adult Grey Provence Donkey
Prized Grey Provence Donkey

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