
My Family Farm Is Almost Here!


On 7/3, FarmVille 2 will release My Family Farm to everyone! Soon, you'll get to experience all-new features like the Family Farmhouse and Farming Jobs. That's right, farmers. The wait is almost over! 

Before you send your sweetheart into The Cave, we wanted to share a final bit of concept art. To do that we turned to Senior Producer Alex, who gave us some great pieces and a glimpse into the future of My Family Farm.   
Take it away, Alex!

Evolution of a Loading Screen
For big new features like My Family Farm, we really like to create a new loading screen. These loading screen images require work to capture the spirit and feel of the feature, so we often start on them early in the design phase. Below you can see some early sketches for MFF that include not only your sweetheart, but kids as well.

"Some early sketches for My Family Farm.."

[As] we moved forward with designing the feature we decided to move the release of kids to a later date (but they are coming soon!) so that we could really focus on building the relationship with your sweetheart.That said, you'll probably see some similarities in sketch 3 above to our current MFF loading screen, and in the concept below you can see an even further progression towards the final loading screen.

By this point, we had established that we wanted to show the new Family Farmhouse in the background, and include a happy couple working on learning the new Animal Care farm job by feeding pigs in the foreground.

"Similar to Sketch #3, above."

And in the very-close-to-final screen below, you can see that a lot more detail has been added (including animals reaping the benefits of the Animal Care Farm Job), and the entire image has had a beautiful pain-over to bring it to life.

"And it makes a neat desktop, too!"


 Don't forget to share the post with your friends to help the other farmers too!

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